Tìm kiếm nâng cao
Loại tài liệu: Tài liệu số - EBook
Tác giả: StevenF.Barrett, DanielJ.Pack
Nhà xuất bản: Morgan Claypool
Năm xuất bản: 2008
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This textbook provides practicing scientists and engineers a primer on the Atmel AVR microcon-troller. Our approach is to provide the fundamental skills to quickly get up and operating with thisinternationally popular microcontroller. The Atmel ATmega16 is used as a representative sampleof the AVR line. The knowledge you gain on the ATmega16 can be easily translated to everyother microcontroller in the AVR line. We cover the main subsystems aboard the ATmega16,providing a short theory section followed by a description of the related microcontroller subsystemwith accompanying hardware and software to exercise the subsytem. In all examples, we use theC programming language. We conclude with a detailed chapter describing how to interface themicrocontroller to a wide variety of input and output devices.
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