Tìm kiếm nâng cao
Loại tài liệu: Tài liệu số - Ebook
Tác giả: Sorebo, Gilbert N., Echols, Michael C.
Nhà xuất bản: CRC Press.
Năm xuất bản: 2012
Tải ứng dụng tại các liên kết sau để xem đầy đủ tài liệu.
The contents about: What is the Smart Grid and Why should we can about security? The Smart Grid Evolution: Smart Grid Standards, Laws, And Industry Guidance; Smart Metering: The First Security Challenge; Home Area Networking: Giving Consumers Control or Opening a Pandora's Box; Distribution Automation: Moving from Legacy to Secure; Plug-In Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage: Now the Fun Really Brgins; What about the Consumer?Securing Relationships between the Utilities and Their Customers; Identifying and Recovering the Grid from a Cyber-Disaster; Crystal Ball Time: Will we have a Secure Grid and What will it take?
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