Tìm kiếm nâng cao
Loại tài liệu: Tài liệu số - EBook
Tác giả: Martin Fowler, Kent Beck
Nhà xuất bản: Pearson Education
Năm xuất bản: 2019
Tải ứng dụng tại các liên kết sau để xem đầy đủ tài liệu.
Like the original, this edition explains what refactoring is; why you should refactor; how to recognize code that needs refactoring; and how to actually do it successfully, no matter what language you use. Understand the process and general principles of refactoring Quickly apply useful refactorings to make a program easier to comprehend and change Recognize “bad smells” in code that signal opportunities to refactor Explore the refactorings, each with explanations, motivation, mechanics, and simple examples Build solid tests for your refactorings Recognize tradeoffs and obstacles to refactoring
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