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Loại tài liệu: Tài liệu số - EBook
Tác giả: Lucy F. Ackert, Richard Deaves
Nhà xuất bản: South-Western
Năm xuất bản: 2010
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Discover a structured, applied approach to behavioral finance with the first academic text of its kind--Ackert/Deaves' BEHAVIORAL FINANCE: PSYCHOLOGY, DECISION MAKING, AND MARKETS. This comprehensive text--ideal for today's behavioral finance elective--links finance theory and practice to human behavior. The book begins by building upon the established, conventional principles of finance before moving into psychological principles of behavioral finance, including heuristics and biases, overconfidence, emotion and social forces. Readers learn how human behavior influences the decisions of individual investors and professional finance practitioners, managers, and markets. The book clearly explains what behavioral finance indicates about observed market outcomes as well as how psychological biases potentially impact the behavior of managers. Readers see, first-hand, the implications of behavioral finance on retirement, pensions, education, debiasing, and client management. This book spends a significant amount of time examining how behavioral finance can be used by practitioners today. Readers utilize theory and applications in every chapter with a wide variety of end-of-chapter exercises, discussion questions, simulations and experiments that reinforce the book's applied approach.
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